We Honor


We would like to “Honor” the late Suffrage Rufus Mills and Mother Mills of Indianapolis/Kokomo, IN; the late Edward Mack, and Mother Shirley Mack of Beaufort, SC.  This is the location (Father’s Day 1981) that I recommitted and rededicated my life to Jesus Christ.  We still communicate with Mother Mack almost monthly.  She is still a very “special” Mother of Light in our life.  This is where I was called, confirmed, ordained and sent out as a Teacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Shortly afterwards, Beverly gave her life to Christ.  What a blessing it is to live for Jesus!

We would also like to “Honor” Pastor and First Lady Holiday (Okinawa, Japan, June 90 – March 91).  If you know of them and their location, it would be a blessing to let us know so we can contact them.  We “Honor” Suffrage Bishop Eric and First Lady Kim Morris, Citadel of Hope church, Columbia, SC.  An awesome man and woman of God that mean so much to Beverly and me.  A friendship that is lasting and God sent.  We learned so much from them.

Beverly would like to “HONOR” her parents, the late Nathaniel Murphy, and Margaret Murphy for her upbringing with a high standard of moral and character as a child and young adult.

Lastly, I “HONOR” and THANK the late Dad (Ephraim) and Mom (Allie) KENNER for raising me with love and in the fear of the LORD. Establishing in me as a child how important it is to have Jesus Christ in your life and to live a godly lifestyle before Him.  Thank you, JESUS!   Both are now with the Lord.  I would also like to “Honor” my Brothers and Sisters that have chosen a lifestyle of righteousness and have set an example for us.  The late Doctor and Pastor Isaiah Kenner, Pastor/Elder Abraham Kenner, Delores Patterson, Queen Ester McGlone, Co-Pastor Marilyn Carter and Ephraim Kenner Jr.  To include many other family members, friends and love ones in the Body of Jesus Christ.